Charismatic Power Youth and Family League

How can I start a prayer group in your place:

You can easily start the basic platform of a prayer group in ZOOM, Google meet meeting. Also at your home, church or any suitable place were people can gather and pray. Activities in the group are teaching word of God, Praise and worship, Chatholic prayers, adoration, Quiz, Games, fellow ships and share foods.

Meet once in a week or monthly these groups to create a favourable environment for everyone to grow spiritualy in the movement. They involve an informal but lively time of praise and worship, a spirit-filled scripture sharing, intercessions for our needs and difficulties. A beautiful time of interact with each other.

The Charismatic Power League, support  Youth and Family life to build around true, enduring friendships. Hands held together, journeys begun and continued together, words of comfort, understanding and support each other.

Prayers lifted up in unity–all these expressions of friendship have been the warp and weft of the movement. Here, simple friendships often deepen into spiritual relationships within cell groups, sharing groups, prayer groups and other meeting points while remaining rooted in an all encompassing friendship with Jesus

How to build your local prayer group

You can arrange a faithful by adding your  friends, start with one, two or more to make network of small and vibrant groups of young people and families.

In their own life situations, they strive to give time to the Lord, Please gather them in responding to the challenges of today’s world.

With the power of the Holy Spirit, continuous Praise and worships to Jesus as we do for the love towards him, Bible reading and preaching, Intercession prayers, Fellowship and share food, small spiritual tours and games etc..

Daily Prayer

A daily ‘some time’ with the Lord leading to an experience of the companionship of Jesus, enables us to have a joyful attitude in daily life. Also include hell breaking Rosaries.


Christian life, a call to live the life of the Trinity in communion with one’s brothers and sisters in Christ through mutual support, encouragement and gentle correction, is an important element in the movement. Cells, small groups, prayer groups, service teams and friendship circles help to make Charismatic Youth a family.


Following the footsteps of the Master who brought the Good News to the poor, Charismatic Youth stretches out a helping hand to those who burdened with poverty and deprivation.


Personal renewal in Jesus leads to a commitment to share the person and message of Jesus with others. This commitment to evangelization is central to the life of every Charismatic Youth and families

Word of God

A regular time for a meditative reading of the Sacred Scripture from Bible helps one to seek God’s guidance and shape his life according to God’s will. Share Word of God among us.


Frequent and active participation in the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation contributes to a life of wholeness and strength are integral to a person’s growth in holiness.

Reachout services

Reachout ministry is the Church at work in God’s name, stretching out to meet needs in the wider community. Our daily lives are filled with outreach ministry, whether or not we have a formal role in the Church. As Catholic Christians, we engage in reachout whenever we answer our baptismal call by serving the needs of others.

Prayer Groups

They form the most basic platform for prayer, teaching and fellowship. Meeting once a week, these groups create a favorable environment for growth in the movement. They involve an informal but lively time of praise and worship, a spirit-filled scripture sharing, intercessions and a joyful time of interaction with each other.

Cell Group

Young people and families come together regularly for prayer and fellowship within the movement. Such progressively growing cells, with 5 to 10 members, ensure ongoing spiritual formation and are an important platform for mutual enrichment and spiritual guidance. The small size of the cells provide the opportunity for a deeper time of sharing and listening.

Commitment team

Commitment team is the fundamental unit of life in the Youth movement. They are forums where the members in the movement come together every month for prayer, sharing, scripture reflection, catechism, and discussion on human and ecclesial realities that are relevant to a common commitment.

The members can be perceived as an answer to the yearning of the movement to enter deeply into the missionary life of the Church. The movement brings out regular monthly scripture reflections which become the key spiritual material around which the household gatherings revolve.

Small Groups

These groups evolved as a response to the spiritual needs of families living in urban centres with hectic lifestyles. They are hosted in homes, offices, colleges and other spaces. With a maximum number of around 15 people, the small groups are designed to split and multiply. The Jesus Youth Prayer and Study Materials are key tools in these small group gatherings.